Sunday, 2 April 2006

Poll results and a new poll

My last poll asked you to look into the distant future and tell me where New Zealand cricket will be in 5 years time. On balance it seems we will be slightly worse off than we are now. Two of you optimistically thought we would be thrashing the Aussies so often it would become boring, five of you thought we wouldn't be collapsing in the second innings quite so often, seven of you thought things would be pretty much the same as they are now, eight of you predicted we would be struggling to recover from the retirements of Fleming, Bond and Vettori and two of you thought the Xbox generation would fail to step up and that we would be being thrashed by Nepal on a regular basis.

My new poll also looks to the future, but only into the next month or so. Vote and let me know how well the New Zealand side will do on the tour to South Africa.

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