Thursday, 7 September 2006

A good day is one where you learn something

I learnt something today. I learnt that Lou Vincent hit 78 for Worcestershire, that Craig Spearman hit a rapid-fire 100 and Hamish Marshall 56 for Gloucestershire and that Stephen Fleming ended the first day of Nottinghamshire's championship match against Middlesex on 33 not out.

What I failed to learn was how swing bowling works. This is a pity because there is a very excellent article on the subject over at Cricinfo. The article was written by Rabindra Mehta, a NASA scientist who has spent 25 years investigating the physics of the cricket ball.

Actually, this goes some way to explaining why NASA always seems to be spending vast sums of money without much success. Perhaps they should consider employing rocket scientists instead of swing bowling experts?

Anyway, although the article is written is a relatively reader friendly manner I found myself confused as soon as the term "laminar state" started to be bandied about. Sigh. I might go and make myself a cup of tea and then try again. If Brett Lee can understand the concept of swing, I am sure I can.

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