Thursday, 30 June 2005

White men don't run cricket any more

In the Herald Richard Boock gets stuck into Phil Goff for failing to understand the workings of the ICC, while John Minto goes on a rant which bizarrely ends here:

The regime's abuse of power deserves much more than international condemnation - it requires action. The fine words of our political leaders mean nothing to the people whose homes have been bulldozed or to the families of black Zimbabweans who have lost their lives in the struggle against oppression.

New Zealand has the chance to show the maturity which comes from learning a critical lesson from our past. The cricket tour must not proceed.

Huh? I absolutely agree with that first paragraph - but what a wimpy way to end. Minto, having got onto his high horse, should surely be asking for a damn sight more than the end to a single cricket tour. Or does he think that this is the only "action" it will take to topple Mugabe?

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