Thursday, 4 May 2006

Asia "bought" Windies World Cup vote

I always thought the ICC was incompetent and blind, but up until now I never actually thought it would be corrupt.


Stuart Helwig said...

Yeh - but all that really means is they had more money for the "buying" than we did. I'm sure Australia and NZ would've tried the same things, but there is more money (more private money any way) in the sub-continent.

Mike said...

If you try to buy votes in a general election in any democratic nation you will be arrested. Why shouldn't the same rules apply to ostentatiously democratic organisations?

Ben said...

If any democratic system could get away with palm greasing, it would be an ostentatious democracy.

Karl said...

I think that the event should be held more often in the area of the world where there are significantly more cricket fans than anywhere else. The excitement and passion are more than could be generated elsewhere.